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Anaconger – Large Black Rat Snake at Congers Lake

Recently, a resident posted this picture of a large black rat snake at Congers Lake. Town staff was sent to identify and locate it and the photo was sent to the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation experts who identified it as an extremely large native black rat snake. According to the DEC these snakes average three to five feet but can grow to as large as eight feet. It is not venomous and poses NO harm to people. It is prime season to see them as they emerge from hibernation and the temperature is still cool out. They feed on mice, voles, small birds and eggs etc.
If you see this snake or others like it just give it space, they will be slower this time of year due to weather and will pose no harm to any residents. If you have any questions related to wildlife please call DEC region 3 general wildlife line 845-256-3098. If you see a snake like this at Congers Lake realize that is its natural habitat and please give it space.